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李清照 Li Qingzhao
苏轼 Su Shi
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洗儿戏作 A Joke for the Baptism of my Newborn
雨中花慢 . 邃院重帘 From the Inner Garden
西江月.黄州中秋 My Moon Festival at Huangzhou
临江仙.送钱穆父 A Farewell Drink with Qian Mufu
春宵 A Hymn to Spring Night
西江月·平山堂 My Visit to Pingshan Hall
自题金山画像 Self-inscription for a Painting of Me at Jinshan Temple
定风波·常羡人间琢玉郎 I often admire my friend Dingguo
六月二十日夜渡海 Crossing the Strait in June on the 20th Day
送子由使契丹 Upon Ziyou’s Departure on a Mission to Qidan
和董传留别 Farewell, My Dear Friend Dong Chuan
江上看山 Looking at Mountains from the River Boat
赠刘景文 To Liu Jingwen
惠崇春江晓景 On “A River Spring Dawn”
红梅 The Red Plum Blossom
念奴娇.赤壁怀古 Meditating on the Past at the Red Cliff
定风波.莫听穿林打叶声 Barely I hear the rains
江城子·天涯流落思无穷(别徐州)A Traveller of the World, a Seeker for the Soul
咏史 A sigh on a history rewind
浪淘沙 .素约小腰身 Shaped and Poised for Grace, Slim and Serene