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李清照 Li Qingzhao
苏轼 Su Shi
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吉祥寺赏牡丹 A Feast on Peony Blooms at Lucky Temple
东坡 A Walk at Dongpo, the East Slope
雨中花慢 . 邃院重帘 From the Inner Garden
西江月.黄州中秋 My Moon Festival at Huangzhou
临江仙.送钱穆父 A Farewell Drink with Qian Mufu
春宵 A Hymn to Spring Night
南乡子.宿州上元 My Lantern Festival at Suzhou
自题金山画像 Self-inscription for a Painting of Me at Jinshan Temple
定风波·常羡人间琢玉郎 I often admire my friend Dingguo
六月二十日夜渡海 Crossing the Strait in June on the 20th Day
送子由使契丹 Upon Ziyou’s Departure on a Mission to Qidan
惠崇春江晓景 On “A River Spring Dawn”
题西林壁 Inscribed on a wall of Xilin Temple
海棠The Flowering Crab-apple
琴诗 The Qin Music
初到黄州 Upon Arriving at Huangzhou
定风波.莫听穿林打叶声 Barely I hear the rains
临江仙(夜归临皋)Returning at Night to Riverbank
江城子·天涯流落思无穷(别徐州)A Traveller of the World, a Seeker for the Soul
浣溪沙 . 旋抹红妆看使君 All the women run back home for a quick make-up