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李清照 Li Qingzhao
苏轼 Su Shi
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Farewell to Lingju on Double Seventh Festival 鹊桥仙·七夕送陈令举
Till his Temples Frosted in his Autumn Years 水调歌头. 安石在东海
花影 Flower Shadow
江城子·墨云拖雨过西楼 Over the West Pavilion Clouds of Ink Pass by
吉祥寺赏牡丹 A Feast on Peony Blooms at Lucky Temple
洞仙歌·冰肌玉骨 Pure as Snow Her Complexion
赤壁赋 A moon-night drink on a boat by Red Cliff - a prose poem
东坡 A Walk at Dongpo, the East Slope
南乡子.宿州上元 My Lantern Festival at Suzhou
八声甘州.寄参寥子 Fairwell to my Friend Canliao
满庭芳 . 蜗角虚名 Why this Hustle and Bustle for a Bubble Fame
东栏梨花 The Blooming Pear Tree by East Fence
题西林壁 Inscribed on a wall of Xilin Temple
琴诗 The Qin Music
出狱(二首)Released from Prison
百步洪 The 100-Step River Rapids’ Ride
李思训画《长江绝岛图》Islands in the Heart of Yangtse River
有美堂暴雨 A Storm over Youmei Hall
菩萨蛮.归鸿声断残云碧 The Honking Geese Are Gone to the North
念奴娇.中秋 A Blissful Night on the Moon Festival