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Welcome to The Rhymes and Vibes of the Song Dynasty ("诗情画意品宋词", a poetry platform where English readers and learners could enjoy the best Chinese poems written in the most flourishing time by the poets of the Song dynasty ( 960 - 1276). We have translated over a hundred poems by Li Qingzhao and Su Dongpo and every new month will see new poems to be released here. Explore the site for some exotic experience. Perhaps we could sparkle your passion for poetry as well.

What do people think?
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SBS Mandarin: 

"世界排名前五十的Monash Uni 翻译学的闵晓红( Julia Min)老师更新了三十年前出版的这两本译作并增译了许多诗词。她说翻译就是艺术再创作的过程,要实现词汇、结构和文化三个层面的跨越...


... ... 这两位宋代大词人的作品用“经典”形容都显然太过无力——“哀吾生之须臾,羡长江之无穷”,苏东坡的《前赤壁赋》为多少人津津乐道、且吟且唱,李清照的一句“帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦”又涵盖了多少惜春春去的愁绪。

如果翻译成英文,中文诗词中的意蕴悠长如何能保全、还原?" (read more)

SBS Mandarin InterviewJulia Min
00:00 / 11:41
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"Special thanks to Julia (Xiaohong) Min (Monash University), who has shared and commented on her experience of translating poems by Su Dong-po & Li Quinzhao. Her responses will be valuable in developing our research further, and we look forward to her participation the future." (read more)

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